Irrevocably Daydreaming

Irrevocably Daydreaming

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Apple Picking

Haazzaaa! This past weekend was apple picking prime time and of course I was out in the fields sloshing through muddy ground to find some crispy delights. 

It has become a tradition with my boyfie's family that every october declares apple picking time. We lace up our super cute booties, (well just me considering I am the only girl in the bunch) and hitch our way up to Warwick to indulge in hard cider, so full I can't move melty sandwiches, grease ridden cider dough nuts, and of course apples.

We also scavenged through the fields of mighty gourds to find the perfect pumpkin to destroy with a soon to be gutting and carving expo.

Lets of course not forget the tradition of brothers harassing eachother on the field (haha oh wait thats everyday)

And of course scintillating modeling while on sight.

Ending the night with more hard cider (of course) and my home made apple pie bites nom nom!!
 Happy Autumn Everyone!

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