Irrevocably Daydreaming

Irrevocably Daydreaming

Thursday, October 9, 2014

DIY: Super Cheap Nature Prints

 All natural (cheap) Print making.

Recently I have moved into a new apartment and have been taking part in trying to decorate it on and extremely tight budget

Fresh out of college and a minimum wage job with loans lingering just over head doesn't leave much room to spend. 

So whilst browsing through a couple home good type stores I'm inspired on a daily  the inspiration  stems directly from moments when I spot a darling piece of decor, life it from the shelves to see the price on the object of desire and think .. What the Fuck ? I could make this myself... for way cheaper.

So this time I finally got around to DIY decor. 

I made some print for my bathroom walls and got back into the crafty arty spirit again after months of being on pause.

Step 1: Go out into wilderness (fenced in back yard) and pick foliage 

Step 2: After harvesting find paper ( I used water color paper for a more artist print making look), Acrylic paint, and a sponge brush or anything to slab paint on a leave.

Step 3: Create studio space ( living room floor good enough)!

Step: 4 my favorite part ( let mess making commence)

Just some of the many prints I made ! I found to get a better texture you should print the leaves multiple times before reapplying paint to get the one layer of paint to dry a bit.

This one was an accidental print on my pressing paper I loved it but it ripped ! boooo 

This is the before of my bathroom wall

And Walah ! From Drab to Fab in pennies!

Now my guest can poop with perfect ambiance! :D

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