Irrevocably Daydreaming

Irrevocably Daydreaming

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Art For Arts Sake! ( Rip It All Away)

Hey so I thought I would try to start a series called Art For Art's Sake! and post it to follow an art piece or idea that I had recently posted on the blog. 

I wanted to post the piece on its on to give people a chance to read into it on their own and make judgments before hearing an explanation, reason, or rhyme. How else would I know how it originally comes across! 

Just to fill you in a bit, the writing that accompanies the art and will most likely accompany all my art post are written by me as well. For me writing is a part of the art piece and not just about it. Sometimes the words inspires the art and sometimes the art the words. Everything I create holds a story behind it, because the stories are my favorite part! 

So now that we are all caught up lets start on the last post titled:    Rip It All Away.  

I thought if I could rip it all away
the pain, the fear,
the memories, and regret.
I would find something spectacular,
but all I found was bone stained with faults,
empty, and hollow.

This piece was inspired from the regret, the would of, should of, could ofs , in life. That constant nagging voice held in every person telling them they should have done it all differently. Knowing for sure that if everything could be erased and redone at a certains moment that the world wouldn't be so bad. 

But all that would mean is that the world wouldn't be human, the world wouldn't be real. The most sincere part of any person are the faults they carry and collect along the way. The imperfections. The bruises of betrayal and rough calluses from beginning again.  

If restarting was a button of renewal we would all be a half push away from loosing ourselves on our stretch for perfection. We humans have this weird idea of perfection and that it can exist ,be conquered, and held. 

When the real truth is there is no such thing as perfection at all. We all know this and choose to believe this concoction of a myth, ingredients consisting of two parts prison and one part pain. 

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